By choosing, you are guaranteed to ensure an unforgettable summer holiday for your customers right before it starts! With the help of a virtual 3D tour, users will be able to mentally transport themselves to the sunny beach and to your hotel. They can pass by the reception, visit the lobby bar and restaurant, visit the gym, spa or pool of the complex, have a thorough look at their comfort room and the services it offers. They can also go out on the terrace and enjoy the amazing view it offers! Trust us - you will win those customers in no time!

Offered services and functionalities included in

Your package:

1. 3D Interactive Virtual View (Matterport 3D immersive Showcase) - 3D interactive environment in the cloud, accessible from various devices,  which the customer can get a realistic feel for the scanned/captured object. The customer chooses where and how to look the premises. It can see in different perspectives - Floor plan, Doll house view, as well as 360 degree panoramas.

2. Number of scanning/capturing points - These are the points from which the client can view the scanned object.

3. HDR photos with high quality - Ability to provide unlimited number of photos of the scanned object. Photos can also be requested after the item has been scanned.

 4. 360° panoramic photos (by prior request) - Ability to provide unlimited number of panoramic photos of the scanned object. Photos can also be requested after the item has been scanned.

                         5. Google Street View update

                6. Highlight Reel - interactive tour - Create a predefined route for automated site inspection. Just by pressing the PLAY button, the customer sees a  preset route. The customer can at any time interrupt the automated tour and to explore a place of interest to him, then continue with the tour.

7. MatterTag / Points of Interest - Reinforce the key locations of the property. Placing virtual points with additional text description or

link to online media - photo, video, pdf or hyperlink to an external one


8. Hosting for 12 months - Each virtual viewing is hosted online to can be accessed from different devices without the need for specialized software – phone, tablet, computer.New Paragraph

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